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The decision to remain faceless (as a drawing) is something Renée has carefully considered. Their personal philosophy relates to never being in the spotlight. From a young age, the fear of a spotlight inspired many works in the early days of their career. When the artist struggled with this very topic, the series Derealization was born. After many years, other topics such as depression, AFAB rights, and autism made their presence known. 

Renée creates works based on how they see the world. Works are meant to invoke emotion and are always up for interpretation. Their art is always synesthesia friendly (according to the artist's own experience with such).

When discussing art education, Renée has graduated from high school where they studied art all four years. Currently, they are pursuing a graphic design degree at a University. 

If there is one thing Renée would say to a struggling artist, they would express the idea of simply creating. Expressing who you are and what you experience is one of the most important ideas any artist could communicate. Create art just to create art.


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