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  • Writer's pictureRenée West

Art in the Age of MR

An original digital work, to me, is fully created by the artist. That could even be a collage of other artists' art. Original work is not plagiarized. As far as tech that has made me view art differently, I'd say a majority of that is AI. To me, AI has completely gone too far. Art belongs to humans, solely humans. No other animal creates or participates in the arts like we do. To have something artificial compete with humans? It's laughable. Not all of it is bad, I just think it doesn't belong in the arts. Artistic authenticity is about being true to your own truth. It's about creating things unique to you. I view it as a fundamental aspect of art. It's built into who we are as humans. That goes beyond just typical 'art.' Even something like cooking, which is an art, has an authenticity to the chef. This next question is loaded. "How do themes (personal, political, social) in artmaking influenced by new technologies (social media, VR, gaming, etc.)?" Take the AI pics of all those conservative politicians and the AI photos of them in drag. That is a political theme influencing tech. As far as personal themes in art go with tech influence, we can take a look at the games with social awareness as a key point. As gaming gets advanced, themes tend to get more graphic. Think about it. CoD didn't come out until our tech advanced. You also have to consider Devs are human. Personally, my own game with tarot is a personal theme. As roblox studio became available to me, I was able to make such a game. Meaning, my own experience and interests influenced gaming.

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