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  • Writer's pictureRenée West

Effective Typographic Hierarchy

I know we've talked about this extensively in other classes. I'd just like to spend my time discussing one point:

"Consider the context in which the typefaces will be used. For example, if the design is supposed to be light and fun, then make sure the typefaces fit that mood."

They also mention this idea of play. We can't know unless we try. Back to the mood, I think it's fun to explore the mood through typography. You can also play on something people don't expect. I also think it's important to have a process of picking out types. I know we tend to pick what we like, but we ought to focus more on aesthetics for the viewer. Maybe the way we arrange text isn't the best for those viewing. Look at that one mistake at the Oscars. I think it was the Oscars. That was the fault of the hierarchy! Either way, hierarchy and typeface play a larger role than most people think!

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