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  • Writer's pictureRenée West

Hello World!

So, I'd like to start by saying wow. It was a really in-depth look at processing. I loved the part when they started talking about the very beginning. I'm someone who doesn't really put in a whole lot of thought. I just like to go hands-in and see where the journey takes me- which is somewhat mentioned in this video. I also agree with the point of allowing these images to form organically through code. In a weird way, it's biophilic in its nature. Think about it. We are creating these things and allowing them to grow and expand. As we learn more, we add more to it. They are natural and organic materials. As you mentioned in class, it's like seeing the molecular structure of a computer. Hence why I said it felt organic. I'm mainly talking about the work at 27:50. However, the process of creating and figuring out is a journey in itself. I love learning history and this is no different. For once, I actually watched a video you said to (not that I never watch the videos). It was pretty cool. It's just way too complicated in the begging for me to fully understand, but I still liked watching the video.

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