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  • Writer's pictureRenée West

how the game works

In the game, you start as a pug. You are tasked by Mittens (a cat) to help bake a pie. The player must head through a forest and visit both Mr Acorn and Mr Cow. Throughout this forest, you need to complete an obstacle to get to Granny Smith (a Grandma we need for a pie). The other obstacles follow the places you were. So if you went to Mr Acorn's house, the obstacle is his house. When you collect every item, you head back to Mittens. But something's missing from the pie...

This game was heavily inspired by Thanksgiving! I figured since the day is coming up, why not build off of that? Also, a 'horror' game isn't expected from me. So I love the idea that this cute creation turned gore. Or as gore as I can make with pixels. Also, you may be asking: Renée, why is the player a pug? Easy! My dog is a pug! I loved the idea of incorporating my dog into something like this. She's the sweetest thing to walk this Earth. The concept that she goes on this adventure to kill other animals is amusing to me. Also, why a cat? That's because my cat is evil! She's so sweet to my mom and then loves to bite my hands. I feel like it's fitting that she'd be the mastermind. Also, my dog's name is Moo Moo, just as the player is named in the game.


Notes from my critique:

  • fix ratio to fit 16:10- refix

  • more disoriented

  • higher jump in 2nd

  • make platforms slower

  • flat platform to jump on at the start of the platforms

  • don't need to say 'help'

  • push backgrounds more to be mine

  • take out gather her body screen (???) --> shrink amount of screens needed

  • I misspelled forest OMGG

  • tone down bkg for jumping

  • stuck platforms gotta go- edit how the character catches

  • fix jump bcz barry somehow managed to break it!!!!!


  • also, fix the one scene so people can see the items of flour (put arrows or sumn) !!!!

  • make project 4 feature skunk police as enemies!!!! Run from them in collecting her body that way the scene is used

  • have obstacles in collecting her body

Notes from other people's critiques:

  • incorporate platforms more

  • maybe dialog bubbles in the game?

  • they have amazing graphics- maybe rework some of my graphics?

  • more game aspects??

  • fix how it appears on screens- scale with the screen- IMPORTANT


  • higher jump in 2nd

  • make platforms slower

  • flat platform to jump on at the start of the platforms

  • don't need to say 'help'

  • push backgrounds more to be mine

  • fix spelling

  • tone down bkg for jumping

  • stuck platforms gotta go- edit how the character catches

  • fix jump bcz barry somehow managed to break it!!!!!

  • add dialog triggers

  • fix the one scene so people can see the items of flour (put arrows or sumn) !!!!

  • make project 4 feature skunk police as enemies!!!! Run from them in collecting her body that way the scene is used

  • have obstacles in collecting her body

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