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  • Writer's pictureRenée West

Pac Man!

In all fairness, even Pacman seems complicated. It seems like so much math! Barry! I hate planning AND math! It's like not what I became an art major for! When the article said, "Each of the ghosts is programmed with an individual "personality", a different algorithm it uses to determine its method of moving through the maze," I cried a little. WHO would sit there and plan all that?! No, because that's actually upsetting. Such a simple game needs PLANNING. You know me, I'd rather not do all that. If I have to think about it, I'm not going to complete it. Not to mention, was that ONE person working on it or a team? If that was one person, bravo. If it was a team, still bravo because who'd do all that? Seriously, this makes me want to not make games. Hasn't there ever been a game that lacked planning? Has there ever been a game (successful) where the artist gave everyone a lot to look at? My attention span is so bad. OMG IS THAT WAY THE GHOSTS MOVE FASTER EACH LEVEL? Ok, hear me out. I think it's supposed to be so each level is harder, BUT HEAR ME OUT! Tell me that doesn't do the job of making sure you stay entertained and involved. Either way, I'm just in awe at all the planning. It makes me think of games in a math way, sadly.

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